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Business Training & Programs In Lac La Biche

Get The Skills You Need To Succeed

Want to expand your skill set? We have access to a wide range of business training programs and upskilling opportunities via our partners, from health and safety training to quick-start business intensives.

Learn how to market your business, understand basic accounting, and explore how to attract and retain talent as a rural business.

Our small business programs provide training and support for rural businesses across the Lac La Biche region. Our goal is to help your company thrive by offering you access to specialized services like accounting workshops, marketing seminars, and so much more. We're here for entrepreneurs just like you - take advantage of our programs today and learn the skills you need to succeed.


Our Programs


Entrepreneurs With Disabilities Program

The Entrepreneurs with Disabilities program (EDP) was created to provide enhanced small business development support to people with disabilities in rural Alberta. Self-employment can be a great way for persons with a disability or an ongoing medical condition to get back into the workforce.

This specialized program includes:

  • Business training
  • Assistance with drawing up a business plan
  • Mentoring
  • Affordable, flexible business loans to establish a new business, purchase an existing business, or expand or upgrade an existing business

To be eligible for the Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program, you must:

  • Have a self-declared disability or ongoing medical condition
  • Live in rural Alberta
  • Have a viable business idea
  • Be able to contribute in some way to your business


Connect with us to start learning today!

Contact Us

10106-102 Avenue
Box 2188
Lac La Biche, AB  T0A 2C0
P: 780-623-2662

Communities Served

Atmore, Avenir, Barnegat, Beaver Lake Cree Nation, Behan, Buffalo Lake Metis Settlement, Briereville, Caslan, Craigend, Fork Lake, St. Lina, Grassland, Heart Lake First Nation, Helina, Hylo, Imperial Mills, Kikino Metis Settlement, Lac La Biche, Margie, Normandeau, Noral, Owl River, Pelican Portage, Philomena, Pitlochrie, Plamondon, Rich Lake, Tweedie, Venice, Wandering River.